Just One Spoon
Making his way towards the car with boxed lunch in hand
I began to say goodbye but he stopped and said
“Just going to get my metal spoon!”
And I though, just one spoon
A simple act of consideration for Mother Earth
And what can one spoon do, really?
Why would he bother to walk all the way
In the opposite direction, to get a little spoon
But he did because he cared, and wanted to do his part
His one small part, to honor the earth upon which we walk
And by whom we are all nourished and sustained
I marveled at his consciousness, as I too am careful
But all too often give into laziness, or next time, or others are doing it
Or in the future, or one spoon, or plastic bag, is no big deal
But it is a big deal and “just one spoon” is the mantra for now
The call to urgency for each and everyone of us to be careful
To go out of our way to protect Mother Earth
In this very moment of choice, in this small act of mine
Can I rise to the occasion, can I make the extra effort?
I hope so, or all loving of Mother Earth seems empty
And walking our talk in Bhakti seems barely begun