How to Meditate on Krishna
The now famous 16 word maha mantra is the recommended sound for meditation on Krishna. The goal is to awaken love for Krishna, the long lost love of our life. In the process many things happen including: a deep sense of freedom, an awareness of our spirit self, inspirations to give and to serve, and a wonderful sense of belonging. The meditation is called Japa - the quiet ‘muttering’ of sacred sound.
The mantra: Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare (Har-ay as in day)
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
What you need: The mantra, japa beads (108), and your attention.
Find a quiet place
Sit comfortably with straight back on chair or floor
With clean hands hold chanting beads
Recite quietly the full mantra
Hear the full mantra carefully
Add affection
“Just try to hear yourself chant sincerely.”
Set timer for 30 mins
2 hours is best
Ignore the mind
Bring back the mind
Lose yourself in the sound
Find yourself in the sound
Find a quiet place
Walk slowly
Repeat steps 3-12 as above
Don’t do a japa walk for exercise
Do a japa walk for meditation
Added notes
Mantra: ‘man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means to free
Early mornings are the best time but anytime will work
For best results make a commitment to x number of rounds a day
Or x number of minutes - 15 minutes/ 30 minutes
Trust the mantra, and Krishna. They care for you.